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Girls Basketball

Lady Eagles Basketball

  • Girls varsity basketball team poses on the court in their blue jerseys with their coaches
  • Girls junior varsity basketball team poses on the basketball court in their blue jerseys
  • 8th grade girls baketball team
  • 7th grade girls basketball team

2024  – 2025 Lady Eagles Basketball Schedule 


Opponent Location JV Varsity
11/12 PCHEA Fritch 7:30 6:15
11/15 Miami Miami - 6:15
11/19 V Silverton / JV@ Follett Fritch 5:30 6:15
11/22 Borger Borger 4:30 6:15
11/25 Lefors Tournament Lefors - TBD
12/03 Dumas Dumas 4:30 6:00
12/5-7 Memphis Tournament Memphis - TBD
* 12/10 Vega Vega 4:00 6:15
* 12/13 Gruver Fritch 5:00 6:15
* 12/17 Stinnett Stinnett 5:00 6:15
* 12/20 River Road Fritch 2:30 1:00
12/23-27 CHRISTMAS BREAK      
12/31 OPEN      
* 01/03 Sunray Fritch 7:30 6:15
* 01/07 Spearman Spearman 5:00 6:15
* 01/10 Stratford Fritch 7:30 6:15
* 01/14 Vega Fritch 7:30 6:15
* 01/17 Gruver Gruver 4:00 6:15
* 01/21 Stinnett Fritch 7:30 6:15
* 01/24 BYE      
* 01/28 Sunray Sunray 4:00 6:15
* 01/31 Spearman Fritch 7:30 6:15
* 02/04 Stratford Stratford 4:00 6:15

                                                                                          *District Game

                                                                                           As of: 09/17/2024

           2024  – 2025 Lady Eagles Basketball Schedule 


Opponent Location Gold Blue
11/05 Vega Fritch 6:30 5:30
11/14 Gruver Gruver 5:30 6:30
11/18 WT Fritch 5:30 6:30
12/02 BYE      
12/09 Sunray Sunray 5:30 6:30
12/16 Spearman Fritch 5:30 6:30
01/09 Stratford Stratford 5:30 6:30
01/13 Vega Vega 5:30 6:30
 01/20 Gruver Fritch 5:30 6:30
* 01/23 WT TBD TBD TBD
* 01/25 Sunray TBD TBD TBD
* 01/25 Spearman TBD TBD TBD
01/30 Stratford Fritch 5:30 6:30