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Grievance Process

Sanford-Fritch I.S.D. Process for Grievances


The Sanford-Fritch ISD Board of Trustees encourages employees, students, parents, and members of the public to discuss their concerns with the appropriate teacher or campus administrator who has the authority to address the concerns.  Usually these complaints or concerns can be addressed by a phone call or a conference with the teacher or campus administrator.  In the event that a complaint cannot be handled informally, the student, parent, employee or member of the public should submit a written complaint (Level 1) to the Superintendent's office.  This request will set up a conference with a campus administrator. If the concern is not resolved, a request for a conference (Level 2) should be sent to the Superintendent's office. If still unresolved, the district provides for the complaint (Level 3) to be sent again to the Superintendent's office to be presented to the board of trustees.  A Level 3 complaint will be placed on the next Board meeting and a hearing will take place.  Note: the Board may not take action.

Grievance Policies

Student / Parent Grievance

FNG Local and FNG Legal

Employee Grievances

DGBA Local and DGBA Legal 

Community Grievances

GF Local and GF Legal

Grievance Process

“Days” shall mean District business days. In calculating timelines under this policy, the day a document is filed is “day zero.” The following business day is “day one.”


Step One

This is the informal administrative conference. The individual with the complaint should present their concerns to the lowest level administrator.  If you were not able to resolve your complaint with this step, please proceed to step two. 


Step Two

Level One Complaint – Campus Level Administrator/Supervisor

Submit complaint form to the campus administrator or designee within 15 days of the informal conference and/or incident/event that is the cause of the complaint.

The administrator hearing the complaint will respond in writing within 10 days.

If you are unable to resolve your complaint at Level One, the complainant has 10 days to file level two appeal after receiving the response.


Level Two Appeal - Superintendent

Submit complaint form to the superintendent or designee within 10 days after receiving the Level One response. A written response will be provided within 10 days.

If you are unable to resolve your complaint at Level Two, the complainant has 10 days to file level two appeal after receiving the response.


Level Three Appeal – Board of Trustees

Submit complaint form to superintendent’s office within 10 days after receiving the Level Two response.

The superintendent places the matter on the agenda for a future Board meeting and informs the complainant in writing of the date, time and place of the hearing.

The Board may or may not take action.